Current share holding opportunities

This page contains the details of recent, current or up-coming share offers.

NOTE: Our 3rd share offer closed on 29th November 2015, this means that we are not actively promoting our offer, or soliciting investments from the public, however if people approach us about joining or buying shares, such enquiries will be welcome.

We are seeking to raise capital on both operational and new developments as we would rather pay interest to members than loan interest on debt finance.

Offer opens: 19th November 2015 at 4.30pm 
Offer closes: 29th November 2015 at 11.30pm

NOTE: If being able to claim EIS is important to you then please read the note here

Members  must hold at least 50 shares. Each Share has a value of £1.

The maximum permissible individual share holding is £100,000.

Members of Community Power Cornwall have one vote, regardless of the number of shares we own.

Before applying for shares, please read our share offer document, which can be downloaded here.

To apply for shares please download and complete our Application Form, which can be downloaded here.

The completed and signed form may be returned by post or by email.

The application form may be printed, completed, signed and scanned or completed and signed electronically and emailed to [email protected]

Or, if you prefer, the application form may be printed, signed and posted to:
Community Power Cornwall, 9 Henley Crescent, Mount Hawke, Truro, Cornwall TR4 8DN

Please note: You may pay for your shares electronically or by cheque or, if you prefer, in cash by arrangement.

For further information:
Email: [email protected]
07752 818759

pdf of combined share offer document and application form