Our History

Community Power Cornwall has evolved through community led demand for the ownership and integration of renewable energy technologies into everyday lives and settings.

We hope to trap money in Cornwall and to enable local communities to collectively tackle the threats of climate change, energy security and uncontrollable fuel cost rises by generating clean, renewable energy locally.

Community Power Cornwall is an independent organisation with development supported through a partnership between Community Energy Plus and Social Economy and Co-operative Development Cornwall. Early development funds were also provided by Cornwall Council and the Cornwall Development Company.


Community Energy Plus is an award-winning charity that delivers local solutions to fuel poverty, energy efficiency and sustainable energy. For more than 20 years they have worked on projects throughout Cornwall to provide advice and support for renewable energy projects to reduce carbon emissions that contribute to climate change.




Image: Kabin logoSocial Economy and Co-operative Development Cornwall, trading as ‘Kabin’ is the Cornwall based Co-operative Development Body which provides advice, mentoring, and works as a consultant to community enterprises, co-operative enterprises and social enterprises. Kabin is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee and also a co-operative. The company is staffed by SFEDI accredited enterprise advisers and has supported the development of co-operatives and social enterprises since 1997.


Successful collaborations between the two organisations include the Low Carbon Living project in the Ladock Parish which won the Sustainable Community Award at the South West Green Energy Awards in 2010 and the sustainable village of the year 2010 awarded by the Cornwall Rural Community Council and SITA.