The technology evolved, the policy and legislation was in place and financial incentives were enabling the rapid expansion of renewable energy systems in the UK. Many of the favourable policies are in the process of being dismantled by a Tory government that, in our opinion, appears hostile to communities and the environment. We believe there is widespread awareness and experience of the immediate threats and opportunities posed by climate change, energy supply and energy security. These threats and opportunities have combined to create a window of opportunity for investment in renewable energy technologies and we want to unite together to maximise the positives that can be achieved right now.
Community Power Cornwall provides an economic model through which people and interested communities can own and benefit from the development of these renewable energy initiatives.
Community ownership offers the opportunity to create a diverse, sustainable and secure energy supply infrastructure, under control of the community and with profits returned to the local economy. We are offering the chance to take advantage of current and future opportunities whilst retaining more of the environmental, social and financial benefits within Cornwall.
We expect our members to benefit:
- Through the receipt of an expected interest payment payable on their investment.
- By uniting together to meet our common needs and aspirations.
- Through improving the environmental, social and economic conditions of society.
By purchasing shares in Community Power Cornwall you will:
- Contribute directly to efforts to reduce local carbon emissions and negative impacts of human activity on the environment.
- Ensure that the community participates in the ownership, direction and development of renewable energy resources.
- Gain an equal vote in how the society is managed, enhanced and developed.
- Enable the continuation of local low carbon funds.
- Develop a local energy supply, securing the benefits of decentralised energy production and the efficiencies of generation and distribution this brings.
- Contribute to the provision of clean, green, sustainable renewable energy supply in Cornwall, building long term prosperity and economic security.
- Increase the skills and capacity within Cornish communities to cope with and take advantage of future sustainable energy supply markets.
- Support the development of a replicable working model to be rolled out across the UK and beyond.
- Support the development of a sustainable, peer reviewed, community development finance institution, ‘The Low Carbon Society’.
- Support the emergence of a local energy market.
For more details on social, environmental and financial returns, see the share offer document or the other pages in this part of our website.