Membership is open to individuals and organisations that share the Society’s goals, are in agreement with the Society’s objectives, and wish to share risks and benefits.
Members make decisions at general meetings on a ‘one member, one vote’ basis, irrespective of the number of shares held. Members elect the board who oversee the business and are accountable to the members. Only members are eligible to serve on the board.
We hope to enjoy a high level of member participation and engagement.
Currently you must be at least 16 years old to hold full membership.
Members of the Society must have a minimum of 50 shares and a maximum of 100,000 (unless the member is another Society registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014).
Shares will be issued at the value of £1. The value of the shares could decrease but is not likely to exceed £1. The minimum shareholding for “full” adult members is £50 and the maximum permitted by law is £100,000 except for other Societies registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 and nominee investors. Larger sums can be accepted as loans, grants or donations.
These shares are non-transferable, withdrawable, at risk, ordinary shares. The notice period for withdrawal is 13 weeks. However to be EIS eligible shareholding must be for at least 3 years from the time the qualifying operations begin. The directors have the right to change the notice period or suspend withdrawals for a fixed time or until they decide otherwise. The directors may also suspend withdrawals if 10% of share capital is withdrawn in any one year. These shares will usually be redeemed at the issue value of £1, however if the directors are instructed that the aggregate of the society’s liabilities and issued share capital exceeds its assets then the value of the shares may be adjusted accordingly and hence the redeemable value.
We are also offering special purpose microgeneration shares that are the same as standard shares except they will pay a lower financial return and will support the viability of smaller installations.
Any interest payments are made so as to attract and retain sufficient capital to operate our enterprise in furtherance of our social and environmental mission.
To find our more about return on investment, visit our Investment section.
To find out about membership visit our Current share holding opportunities.